something wonderful happened to me in a movie theatre today. i was transported back to a time and place when and where movies were movies. something original, bittersweet, time passing over time, and romantically different. think: 'before sunrise', 'two for the road' and 'the graduate'.. it is all of these and more and this type of more is better.
not that film over the past years have not excited me. but today i saw a revelation, a romantic comedy that was not a romantic comedy. it was just hiting the right note of romantic sensibilities. see it to believe it. romance that is bittersweet. humor borne of the heart. dramatic pauses that jolt but not intrude.
acting and directing (marc webb) and editing (allan edward bell) that is on the mark. a screenplay that hits the mark consistently by scott neustadler and michael h. weber. all worthy of oscar noms.
(500) days of summer' is the best film of the year so far.
it has the best performance by an actor so far this year. joseph gordon-levitt. i am convinced there is no actor on screen right now who is more charming and alarming. his face is a treasure map of emotions. his character tom hansen is everyman who has loved and lost and loved and lost and loved and... he deserves an oscar nomination. as of now he deserves the best leading actor oscar. he's been working since 1988 and all of his past work has lead to this role which winds up becoming one of the best of this decade.
zooey deschanel delights, charms, breaks our hearts and warms the spirit in us as our eyes and ears devour her what she puts forth. a possible oscar nom. so far she is on my list.
a quiet lovely yet brilliant film. go see it. today!!! it certainly has moved into my best films of all time.
just somthing extra
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