Although she appeared in a few British films and tv shows it wasn't until '65 that she burst into the universal public's eye.
The films that tie are her Oscar Winning Best Actress performance in 'Darling' and the epic 'Doctor Zhivago".
These two films get this spot because of Julie.
They would be the beginning of a career that lasts till today.
Julie remains one of my favorites.
I thank god for whenever she decides to grace the screen with HER presence.
She really has hated filming these past 20 years but shows up every now and then to remind us how much she is missed!
Just last year she graced us with 'Away From Her'. She should have won the Oscar!!!
The essential 60's film. THE morals, mores, the decadence or the lack of. Directed by the brilliant John Schlesinger and written by Frederic Rafael this is slice of 60's life at it's best.
The Oscar!

Simply put: EPICAL. The likes of which we may never see in the future again. Julie is Lara Antpov caught in the war in Russia and a war in a marriage. She is radiant! Omar Shariff in his born to play role. Alove story that is timeless for all time.

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